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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Trust ( seeking a safe place for our highest hopes)

On April 15, Pastor Don had an awesome sermon on that Sunday service. He was talking about 'Trust in God', there were a series from different pastors for the recent weeks.
I know God has been trying to tell me about trust from the different ways, for us we have to face with different challenges and difficulties in our lives. Christians won't have any exception but the big difference is that we have Jesus in our lives.

That sermon definitely helps me to reflect myself, how to be a faithful person by totally leaning on Him, not by ourselves and the world. Trust God means we believe that we cannot see. Isn't it difficult ? Imagine you are in a room without light, it is too dark that you cannot see anything, when someone offers his hands to you, you will be secured, but what happen to that person you don't trust? When I cannot see clearly the direction that I go, I will be lost and become helpless. But Jesus again and again speaks to me indirectly that I can trust Him no matter what situation is. He won't see our failure, our weakness, He is here because we are weak.

God asked me to step out the faith, He is ready to prove his faithfulness.
1. The God we trust is a God of abundance. Psalm 24:1
2. Trusting God is contrary to our human nature.
    Our fresh, human tends to bear on ourselves.
3. People in old testament rebelled against God, people were unwilling to trust God.
4. Too oftern our trust is misplaced.
5. Trusting God reminds us of who is in control.
6. Take your hands off, God is in control.
7. Trusting God verifies He is our source.

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